Apr 1, 2011

French Flys 2

I think I spend my time more wisely...be active or not.

Today is the first day, I work (not part-time).
My working place is relly far from my home, so I should wake up early and go to bed early.
I know I'm not student and child...(yeah I'm childish...) but it is hard for me to understand 'can't play'.
But today I went to there and saw many teachers work really hard with smiles and jokes.
There is full of sunshine...adults and children...I feel wanna shine like them little.

Maybe, many things will change after few months. It's not the end, just START.

(all photos on 'French Flys' series took by me)


  1. you're working helen? :D
    good luck! 頑張って! hahah
    is it correct? xD

  2. yes correck! XD
    thank you!!
    がんばる!!! kkk
    you tooo~^^
